There is an overwhelming sense of discouragement that is pervading in people’s lives today. Just this week, I met a check-out lady at CVS and asked her how things were going. “Awful,” was her reply. “My husband and I have one child, I’m pregnant with child # two, however, my husband just left me for another woman in Michigan. I don’t know what I’m going to do, $$$ is gone, I’m stressed out to the max.” How many of you know someone or feel that way today?
The Word of God gives great hope to those who are discouraged, disillusioned, downcast, etc. The Good News is that God is in control – Jesus is alive, risen, coming again and if you have Jesus as personal Lord and Savior, you can live in His peace today.
Reassurance (13) – One thing about these Thessalonian believers is that had put their faith in the Word of God. Now, because of the intense persecution that Paul faced as he brought them the Word of God, he was only able to stay with them a few short weeks. Paul taught them about worshipping and serving the One True and Living God, encouraging one another, spiritual warfare, witnessing, doing God’s will, etc. Paul also taught them to expect the Lord Jesus Christ could return at any moment. These new believers got so excited about the Lord’s return and began to prepare their lives to meet Him. However, while they waited for the Lord to return, some of their friends, families, loved ones died. This discouraged them b/c they felt their loved ones would miss out on the wonderful coming of our Lord. Paul encouraged them with the truth that when Jesus came back, their loved ones in Christ would be there, too! The world believes that death is the end of it all (sad). The follower of Christ knows the death is just the beginning to everlasting life in the Presence of the Lord!
Resurrection (14-15) – Why do believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have such hope? Our hope (confidence) is anchored in the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Because Jesus died and rose again, we will also. 2 Cor. 4:14 we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence. Rom 8:11 …if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.” Where do you anchor your hope this morning? Is your hope in the AJC? Is your hope built on what is going on in the White House? Is your hope in your checkbook? If so, that is no hope. Real hope comes from building your life on the Word of God, what the Lord Jesus did for you on the innocent blood shed on the cross of Calvary, the empty tomb! Death, for the believer in Jesus, is not the end, but the beginning. According to Luke 16:22, an angel of the Lord will usher you into the very presence of the Lord. Think of the thief who was dying on the cross next to the Lord Jesus. Jesus did not say, “I hope you might someday be with me in paradise.” No, He said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” Because Jesus died, our sin debt is paid in full. Because Jesus is risen we will spend eternity with Him (John 11:25).
Return (16) – The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with and come for His own. The trumpet of God will sound. Trumpets in the Bible were used to sound war, gather people, in this case the trumpet of God is going to assemble all in Christ.
Reunion (17-18) – We’ll see our loved ones in the Lord Jesus Christ again. Some of you have had husbands, wives, children, grandchildren who have died…you’ll see them again! There is no separation for loved ones in Christ. I’ll see my grandfather again. I will hear him say, “Ol’ Davy boy!” again! That’s why Christians face funerals with a different perspective than unbelievers. WE know that not even death can eternally remove us from our loved ones or of the glory of the return of our Savior. Psalm 4:8: I will both lie down in peace and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.”
Regret (5:1-3) – While we do not know when the Lord will return for His own at the rapture of the church, the world does not know that the day of the Lord’s judgment is coming upon them. A day of incredible, fearful judgment is coming upon those who reject the saving grace of the Lord Jesus. A man may reject God, curse God, live a life for self, sin, and it seems like God does nothing about it. However, there is coming a day in the future when God will deal with a Christ-rejecting world. This day will come like a thief in the night. No thief I’ve ever known calls up the family he’s about to rob and says, “Now, make sure you are up and alert at 1 AM, I’m going to rob you blind!” Luke 12:39-40, “But know this, that if the mater of the house would have known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” The world leaders may even be promising peace, safety…no worries. Jesus said when He returned the days would be like the days of Noah, people eating, marrying, drinking, selling, buying…all of a sudden, judgment comes upon them.
Ready (5:4-11) – Thinking about the return of Jesus Christ ought to make us live with godly character, spiritual motivation, peace with the Lord and others. 2 Peter 3:11-14, “11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness. 14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.” We ought to be leaving, close and clean to the Lord knowing He could return at any moment. We ought to be always looking for an opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with lost friends, family, co-workers, etc. We need to be a part of building up the body of Christ with our time, talent, treasures. We ought to be walking in the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, and have petty differences laid at the foot of the cross. We ought to be encouraging one another in the body of Christ, spurring one another on toward love and good works. We ought to be at church faithfully, praying, in Bible study, spending time with God’s people over the Word of God! Always living with the thought in mind of the day when we will give an account to the Lord of the lives we lived – for self or for the Savior.
How can we be faithful while we wait for the Lord’s return? First, Paul says, “Be sober.” He is talking here about being alive to God’s will and purpose for your life (like a soldier on guard, alert). Be sensitive to what is going on around you, not sleeping, not half-hearted in your walk with the Lord. Second, he says, “putting on the breastplate of faith and love.” A soldier with his armor on is ready for action. Faith means we are trusting in the Lord and love means our relationship with others is pure, we are expressing tangibly our love for others. Third, he says we are to put on as helmet the hope of salvation (5:8-10). That is, we ought to be constantly thinking about what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. This is not a hope so salvation. This is a know so salvation. I know Jesus died for my sins. I know He rose again. I know I have turned from sin and placed all my faith in what He did for me at the cross of Calvary. I know Jesus has forgiven me, I know His Holy Spirit is in control, I know nothing can separate me from the love of God in Jesus Christ (not death, angels, suffering, pain, sorrow). Church, that is the kind of Savior we have in Jesus Christ. Fourth, he tells us to encourage and edify one another. We live in such a time when criticism, cut downs, fault-finding, bitterness, can fill the church. Instead of wasting your time on that, how about working on building up believers. Understanding they are sinners saved by grace just as you are. Understanding your call in life is to build people up in the Lord not bring people down!
We are living in a day right now and we are to be faithful in our worship and service to the Lord. While we worship, witness, work, we are waiting for the blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our Response:
1. This morning, you may realize that you have never thought about this and you need to become a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. ABC - Admit to God you are a sinner, Ask for His forgiveness, Believe Jesus is God’s Son who died for your sins, was buried, rose again to give eternal life to you. Confess Him as Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9-10).
2. Is the Lord leading you to become part of the family of God here? If you have asked Christ into your heart, but never been baptized, then come today and join by baptism. If you have already been baptized and a member of another church and God is calling you here, then join this church family.
3. Maybe you know it is time the Lord receive glory from your life. Your walk with Him has grown cold, apathetic. There is much darkness in the world because believers are not being the light God called us to be. Would you come in repentance?
4. It’s time to begin sharing the comfort of the Gospel, build up fellow believers, growing stronger in faith, love, and hope. Come and bow before your Lord. Ask Him for the courage to live close, clean, courageously in these last days.
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