Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dwelling Together With God

Nehemiah 8:13-18, Leviticus 23:33-44

Introduction : “Now on the second day the heads of the fathers’ houses of all the people, with the priests and Levites, were gathered to Ezra the scribe, in order to understand the words of the Law. And they found written in the Law, which the LORD had commanded by Moses, that the children of Israel should dwell in booths during the feast of the seventh month, and that they should announce and proclaim in all their cities and in Jerusalem, saying, “Go out to the mountain, and bring olive branches, branches of oil trees, myrtle branches, palm branches, and branches of leafy trees, to make booths, as it is written.” Then the people went out and brought them and made themselves booths, each one on the roof of his house, or in their courtyards or the courts of the house of God, and in the open square of the Water Gate and in the open square of the Gate of Ephraim. So the whole assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and sat under the booths; for since the days of Joshua the son of Nun until that day the children of Israel had not done so. And there was very great gladness. Also day by day, from the first day until the last day, he read from the Book of the Law of God. And they kept the feast seven days; and on the eighth day there was a sacred assembly, according to the prescribed manner.”

What days do you remember the presence of the Lord most often during the calendar year? Most likely your answer would include these three days: Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. What would happen if that were to increase to 19 days as in the nation of Israel? Because of who God is and in light of all that is going on in the world, we need constant reminders of need to bow down and worship the Lord God Almighty!

Note – “It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.” —Abraham Lincoln, Proclamation of a National Feast Day, March 30, 1863.

Note – 7 Jewish Feasts: Passover (God’s deliverance – Jesus’ death); Unleavened Bread (Exodus, leave old and enter new – Our walk of holiness before the Lord); First fruits – (Bring first crops – God’s provision – Resurrection of Jesus Christ); Pentecost (End barely harvest and begin wheat harvest – Joy and thanksgiving – Coming of the Holy Spirit); Trumpets – (Begin the new civil year – Joy and thanksgiving to God – Rapture of the church); Day of Atonement – (Removal of sin from people and nation – Fellowship with God); Tabernacles – (God’s protection and provision in wilderness – Encourage people to trust God, guidance, protection – Unfulfilled until the second coming and all Israel is gathered into her land).

I. Remembering His Provision

A. Centered on the Word of God Neh. 8:13-14

Ezra had been preaching and teaching God’s all day and on the second day the people wanted to hear more and more of the Word!

Note - The men were especially eager to grow in the knowledge of God’s word. The desire was especially strong in the men to learn about who God is and who He called them to be. There was a desire to learn God’s Word from Ezra so they could lead their families, be strong men in society, be found faithful in their worship and service to the Lord and others.

I pray there is a great longing in my heart and your heart to be found faithful to -Know God’s Word – Grow in God’s Word – Show God’s Word.

“You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
– 2 Timothy 2:1-2

Note – The word of God was central to the spiritual revival of this Jewish community of faith and what is going to bring revival into God’s people’s lives today is the Holy Word of God lived out through Spirit filled people of God!

Note - Several years ago, newspapers told how a new Navy jet fighter shot itself down. Flying at supersonic speed, it ran into cannon shells it had fired only a few seconds before. The jet was traveling too fast! You are also traveling too fast, if you don’t have time to worship God in regular church services, if you don’t have time to read the Bible, if you don’t have time to pray. If you’re neglecting any of these, you’re probably traveling too fast to hear the sound of God’s voice. You can’t tell whether you are in the center of His will. Better slow down before, like the jet, you shoot yourself down.

B. Celebrated the Works of God

At the heart of the Feast of Tabernacles was time set aside to remember God’s goodness, presence, and protection in their lives. They needed to take time to recall God’s works and wonders as He led them out of the bondage of Egypt and into the liberty of the Promised Land of Canaan.

During that 40 year journey in the wilderness, Israel lived in booths made of such things as leaves, branches, bark – these had not been the most comfortable of living quarters – but God had seen them through everything!

“Yet in Your manifold mercies You did not forsake them in the wilderness. The pillar of cloud did not depart from them by day, to lead them on the road; Nor the pillar of fire by night, to show them light, and the way they should go. You also gave them Your good Spirit to instruct them, and did not withhold You manna from their mouth, and gave them water for their thirst. Forty years You sustained them in the wilderness; They lacked nothing; Their clothes did not wear out and their feet did not swell.” – Nehemiah 9:19-21

Note – “Sovereingly he had guided them, generously he had fed them, and powerfully he had protected them; such abundant and evident mercy must never be forgotten.”
– Raymond Brown

Note - When I was a young mother with two preschoolers, I was often overwhelmed. One night I fell into bed, exhausted. I poured out my frustrations to God. “The kids won’t mind, the house is a mess, my husband doesn’t seem to care …“—the list went on. Suddenly, a voice said to my heart, “Which one do you want me to take away?” Everything I was complaining about was precious to me. Immediately, I began to thank God for everything on my list—something I continue to do now as a grandmother. —Alice Johnson. Christian Reader, Vol. 36, no. 5.

II. Rejoicing In His Presence

A. Confident In Witness Neh. 8:15, Lev. 23:39-44

The Feast of Tabernacles was not something to stay silent about. God wanted His people to, “Go out to the mountain…” They were to tell everyone, everywhere, in every place of the One who had protected, provided, performed awesome acts of mercy and power in their midst. They were to tell of the Living God who had a strong hand and an outstretched arm!

Note – Too many Christians today are timid in sharing their faith, but we need to remember God is greater and has given us Holy Spirit power to be His obedient witnesses. We must not fear man more than we fear God.

“O Zion, You who bring good tidings, Get up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, you who bring good tidings, lift up your voice with strength, lift it up, be not afraid; Say to the cities of Judah, “Behold your God!” - Isaiah 40:9

“I, even I, am He who comforts you. Wwho are you that you should be afraid of a man who will die, and of the son of a man who will be made like grass? And you forget the Lord your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth…” – Isaiah 51:12-13a

Note - During an earthquake some years ago, the inhabitants of a small village were generally very much alarmed, but they were at the same time surprised at the calmness and apparent joy of an old woman whom they all knew. At length one of them, addressing the old woman, said, “Mother, are you not afraid?” “No,” said the woman, “I rejoice to know that I have a God who can shake the world.”

B. Consecrate their Wealth Deuteronomy 16:15-17

A major portion of rejoicing in the Lord is that we can offer back to Him what He’s already blessed us with. Every single Christian can make a decision they are going to become a “giver” not just a “getter.” Stop thinking about what you don’t have and look at what God has already given you. Train yourself to become a great giver to the Lord and watch what God does in your life and as a blessing in others!

Note – One of my favorite Pastors, Don Wilton, recently shared about a mission trip he took with the young people of FBC Spartanburg. They had ministered mightily the night before, everyone was tired, yet they still had to minister to a large group of prisoners. Evidently, one young man was being grouchy, griping, because things were not going his way. Pastor Wilton asked the young man, “What’s the problem??? Are you sick?” When he learned the young man was just upset because a few others in the group had not treated him well – he said, “Young man, we are about to go in here and minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to people who have NO HOPE. We are under obligation to the Lord Jesus Christ to witness and minister to these men – giving the Lord our very best.” There was a holy glow on that young man’s face as he took his eyes off self, struggles, and onto the Lord and the real needs of others!

Imagine what would happen if we all came before the Lord with an attitude of, “What can I give,” instead of “What can I get?”

Note – What can you give right now to the Lord’s work? I think of the bus ministry – could you take some of your TIME on Sunday mornings to drive children, shut ins to church? I think of the choir, building up the kids ministry, can you consecrate your TALENT? Some of you, whether you are rich or poor, love to give financially to God’s work – investing your TREASURE.

Note – Great churches are built by great Christians who continue to grow in all aspects of their Christian faith…including giving!

“But this I say; He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Note – “All the money in the world belongs to God. My gift to Him does not make Him any richer; it makes me richer spiritually because of the realization that everything I have is His and that I am giving because I love Him and want to give.” (Unknown)

III. Resting In His Promise

A. Commitment to Wait Neh. 8:17, 2 Cor. 5:1-4

God wanted His people to realize that the booth they were staying in was only a temporary abiding place. They would only have to live in the booths for seven days – then they could return to their real home.

Do you see the significance in this? For the follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are only here on this earth temporarily. God has something far greater in store for us eternally.

1 For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, 3 if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked. 4 For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life. 5 Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.6 So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. 7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. – 2 Corinthians 5:1-8

Note - A man in the middle of many painful trials took a walk in his neighborhood, and saw a construction crew at work on a big church. He stood and watched a stone craftsman work a long time on a block, but could not see where the block would fit, because the church appeared to be finished. He watched the man work on the block carefully and methodically, slowly shaping it into a precise pattern. Finally, he asked, "why are you spending so much time chipping and shaping that block?" The craftsman pointed up to the top of the nearly completed steeple, and said "I'm shaping it down here so it will fit in up there." The man in the middle of the trials instantly knew that was God's message to him: he was being prepared down here, so he would fit in up in heaven., 2 Cor. 5, David Guzik
B. Characterized by Worship Neh.8:18, Zechariah 14:4, 16-21

It’s always been God’s desire to dwell with His people. What is our response to Him…WORSHIP!

Note – There are many views as to why choice was made of the Feast of Tabernacles, but the most probable is that, speaking of the joys of the ingathering, it will celebrate the gathering of the nations to the Lord and especially His tabernacling among them. The millennial feast is the Feast of Tabernacles, because then God will tabernacle with men more fully than ever before in man’s long history (Feinberg, God Remembers, 203).

Note – Worship the Lord Jesus Christ for His – Saving Power, Securing Power, Strengthening Power, Sustaining Power!

Conclusion: God’s people often need times to stop and remember how good and gracious God has been…and still is…to them. Is your walk with Him characterized by joy, giving, thanksgiving? What is your response to the incredible and undeserved blessings of the Lord? I invite you to call upon the Lord Jesus Christ today!

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